Monday, June 29, 2015

I Should Do Two Blog Posts But....TGIF!!!

Sorry but kinda not sorry for my lack of blogging that was achieved yesterday. I know I'm a horrible role model but do as I say not as I do. Please. 
So now that that's out of the way on to yesterdays blog prompt. So if I was a font, I'd be the American Horror Story font due to the fact that it's simple and not overly flowery while still being unique. Kinda like me, I'm not super expressive but I have my uniqueness that still shows.

 Now todays blog prompt! My favorite tv show is Nzrevpna Ubeebe Fgbel: Zheqre Ubhfr orpnhfr vg ernyyl uvgf lbh va gur srryf :(

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