Wednesday, June 24, 2015

0's and 1's and Stuff, Oh My

So today, what am I going to say about today? I mean, there were several epic fight-to-the-death duels (and some semi-epic Kamikaze attempts) as well as some math ninja sorcery (also called binary but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and an in-depth discussion on how Donald Trump does his hair. In all, I guess, today was interesting and random.

Now, on to the blog prompt!So I guess, if I was a spy, I think I'd be the female Ron Stoppable. I mean, check him out....

Look at that level of sass... and his interesting ways of getting stuff done. 
I think I'd be a lot like him because I don't really think that I'd work for an evil organization but being a hero is something that I can't see myself doing. I mean, I'd be the guy that helps execute the plan and makes sure that the rest of the spy team was ok after a heist. Plus, I'd love to pull a Ron and call the team leader saying " Hey, it's me again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I just called three minutes ago but I wanted to ask you one more time....CAN YOU PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE?!"

P. S- This is my birthday 11110111000100011101. 
Your move internet.

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