Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Yelp, It Looks Like It's Another-Two Post-In-One Day

So guys, I'd love to apologize for my lack of blogging (because you know, I'm supposed to be a role model but I'm not doing a very good job), but I can't. I'm not super sorry. 

So for Monday's Blog prompt: If I could make anything with a flora board, I would create a set of flapping angel wings that light up. I don't even have a cosplay or anything in mind, I just think it would be cool. It would look kinda like this...
 Now Tuesday!
If I could make any app, I'd make a database that would scan through all ISN numbers and give you a non-sketchy link to download the book for free. Because books (and manga, and comics, and pretty much every printed good) is super expensive and as a student and a teenager, I have little to limited funds available to me.

Monday, June 29, 2015

I Should Do Two Blog Posts But....TGIF!!!

Sorry but kinda not sorry for my lack of blogging that was achieved yesterday. I know I'm a horrible role model but do as I say not as I do. Please. 
So now that that's out of the way on to yesterdays blog prompt. So if I was a font, I'd be the American Horror Story font due to the fact that it's simple and not overly flowery while still being unique. Kinda like me, I'm not super expressive but I have my uniqueness that still shows.

 Now todays blog prompt! My favorite tv show is Nzrevpna Ubeebe Fgbel: Zheqre Ubhfr orpnhfr vg ernyyl uvgf lbh va gur srryf :(

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

0's and 1's and Stuff, Oh My

So today, what am I going to say about today? I mean, there were several epic fight-to-the-death duels (and some semi-epic Kamikaze attempts) as well as some math ninja sorcery (also called binary but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and an in-depth discussion on how Donald Trump does his hair. In all, I guess, today was interesting and random.

Now, on to the blog prompt!So I guess, if I was a spy, I think I'd be the female Ron Stoppable. I mean, check him out....

Look at that level of sass... and his interesting ways of getting stuff done. 
I think I'd be a lot like him because I don't really think that I'd work for an evil organization but being a hero is something that I can't see myself doing. I mean, I'd be the guy that helps execute the plan and makes sure that the rest of the spy team was ok after a heist. Plus, I'd love to pull a Ron and call the team leader saying " Hey, it's me again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I just called three minutes ago but I wanted to ask you one more time....CAN YOU PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE?!"

P. S- This is my birthday 11110111000100011101. 
Your move internet.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Creativity for the Win!

So, how'd today go for you guys? Paper circuits and processing...it makes for an interesting day. I've done paper circuits before and so that was fun. I'm not usually super creative but, for projects like this, sometimes creativity is needed. According to Judy Collins, "People who are creative are the luckiest people on earth" and today that was really true. It took my awhile to get an idea but it's all good. Processing was fun. I learned some new stuff which is always good.

Blog prompt time!
So to answer the blog prompt, if I could make anything using C.S, I'd make a machine like in The Fifth Element that could take any spec of DNA and recreate (or bring back to life) the living or ex-living creature. 

First Day and All the Jazz that Goes with It

Hey guys, it's the first day of camp and I wanted to say "Hi". i know that I've met a lot of you before but still, it's really good to see you guys again. This is going to be an epic summer. Don't believe me? Just watch. (P.S. Thank you Bruno Mars, your song lyrics speak to me and are appropriate for this moment).

Okay, I guess it's time to answer the blog prompt. This summer, I guess, I'm looking forward to getting to know everybody as well as help everyone learn C.S (cuz it's awesome).