Saturday, July 13, 2013

As of Now....

5000% DONE!


Today, this is me. Not because I'm angry, no but because the look on her face is the look of pure purpose. Just like me.Today is the last day of camp and it's finishing time!
In the spirit of finishing the quote of the day is “Whatever it takes to finish things, finish. You will learn more from a glorious failure than you ever will from something you never finished.”
― Neil Gaiman". Thank you, Mr Gaiman for the words of wisdom. I shall think of them as I crunch to paint (I don't art so this should be good). But on the plus side I get to use LEGOS, ( a tribute to legos. You have been deliting kids and messing with parents for forever). Wish me luck!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Blood, Blood, Blood

I know this is a pretty random picture but today was blood spatter day, with...wait for it....FAKE BLOOD! That's right we got to use fake blood and splatter it on pieces of paper while doing different things like running and at different angles. It was kinda fun and pretty awesome.

BTW today's quote is from Gossip Girl but it ties in to today's theme because it says "They say blood is thicker than water. But it's also a lot harder to clean up when it spills." which is true. Even  fake blood is surprisingly hard to clean up.

As for today's prompt, it is "What current fashion in clothing do you particularly like or dislike? Explain."

I like a lot of the graphics for T shirts because frankly a lot of the artwork is AWESOME, but I really hate the style where the pockets of shorts (either home-made or store bought) are longer than the actual shorts. It's weird to me.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Elementary, Dear

Today I felt like Sherlock. No joke, for like 5 minutes I was Sherlock. I channeled him and everything. It was great! So in honor of the detective, here's today's "quote",
Sherlock: You're a doctor. In fact you're an army doctor.
Watson: Yes.
Sherlock: Any good?
Watson: Very good.
Sherlock: Seen a lot of injuries then. Violent deaths.
Watson: Well. Yes.
Sherlock: Bit of trouble too I bet.
Watson: Of course. Yes. Enough for a lifetime. Far too much.

Sherlock: Wanna see some more?Watson: Oh god yes.
 I want to be able to say this one day. One more reason to become a detective I guess.

Speaking of becoming a detective, today's blog prompt is "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
I see myself either in school at OU or in (fingers crossed) the FBI. As for family, I don't know. In 10 years I'll hopefully be out of my parents place. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Magic Floating Cat

As promised here is the quote (well maybe conversation) of the day. It is from the Alice and the Cheshire Cat and it goes like this...

'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'

'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat.

'I don't much care where—' said Alice.

'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat.

'—so long as I get SOMEWHERE,' Alice added as an explanation.

'Oh, you're sure to do that,' said the Cat, 'if you only walk long enough.” 

Who would've thought a floating Cat could give advice that deep. Just saying!

 The Alice quotes are because of a program I figured out how to use. It's an animation program and I'm making a movie with it, tell your friends. It's gonna be great!
I'm also building a Lego saw. I hear it can cut through paper (and I'm talking about a small stack, not just one sheet). So fun stuff!

Today's Prompt:Write about your first name—why you were given it, what associations or stories are attached to it, what you think or know it means. Do the same for your last name. Given the chance, what name would you give yourself?

To answer the prompt, my name is Sabrina which means 'Princess' in Celtic and 'Border' in Italian, it's also the name of a river in Wales. I don't know why I was named Sabrina but I think the reason is because my sister liked the TV Show. My last name is Cook, and according to family legend it's because my ton of greats granddad was a cook in some war. He surprised everyone by fighting in war all day and still having a good meal on the table at night. If I had the chance though I would name myself Selene.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Don't Meddle in Dragons Affairs

So I know the title is pretty random but now I'm gonna start posting a quote of the day. Today's is " Don't Meddle in the Affairs of Dragons for you are crispy and would taste good with ketchup." courtesy of Rose. So thank you, Rose!
On to today's events, it was pretty good. Worked on an App, halfway done! Worked with Legos, not so great. I didn't know that you could injure yourself with Legos but....Surprise! You can!(So be careful kids)

Turns out there's a blog prompt each day (-_-*)which I didn't know, so here's today's....
Imagine you opened your own restaurant. What would the restaurant looks like, who works there, and what would you serve.

Well If I had a resturant I would call it "Managed" that way people would always wonder what it was. It would be like a manga cafe where people could go and read/ get generally sugar filled items and stay awhile. I'd like it to be comfortable and I would allow high school students to work there. I would serve a ton of sweets and teas.

Monday, July 8, 2013

1st Day Here!!!!

So today is my first day at the YWIC Camp for 2013...It's been pretty great so far.

List 10 of your favorite things!

  • Sour Punch Straws 
  • Falling in Reverse 
  • Lily 
  •  Los Amigos in Santa Fe
  • Berries 
  • Cherry Pepsi 
  • Purple 
  • I like to read and just finished an epic book called the selection 
  • Right now my favorite movies is Moulin Rouge 
  • I like my kitty, Lucky