Friday, July 3, 2015

Final Day I Guess....

So today....I'm gonna try to not cry. Seriously, I'm about two nice words away from bursting into tears. It's been two weeks (or 10 days to those who count) and it's finally hitting me that it'll be awhile until I see a lot of you guys again. This program has changed so much about who I am. I've grown, I hope, and I hope that I've helped others grow. GutsyGirls made it so that I'm now going into computer science. I'm already enrolled at a university, and I guess I'm on to the next adventure. I'll miss everyone and I hope you all keep in touch.
Now the Blog prompt! 

Psych! I already did it!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

So I'm back In the Game!

That's right guys! I, person whose name I probably should say to the internet, is finally blogging every day. I know, right?! Miracles happen. 

Any who, on to the blog prompt: So if I could change a location on the treasure hunt, I'd move a clue to the fireplace. I know it seems kinda mean but I'd tape it to the inside.